Friday, February 24, 2012

A tribute to the most wonderful woman in the world

She... is the flame that keeps me alive.
From her lips I receive the honey that gives me strength.
She... is the shield that protects me from getting hurt.
On her frail shoulders our paradise is built...
and I can finally find peace

I believe it is about time that I dedicate a blog post to a wonderful person. In the thirteen years that I know her, she's never ceased to amaze me with her incredible amount of abilities. Whether a tree needs to be cut down, a wall needs to be built or plastered, a Christmas market needs to be organised, electrical wiring needs to be laid, a birthday cake needs to be baked and decorated, snow chains need to be put on a car's wheels, stockings need to be knit or a derelict house needs to be revived... she'll do it. And what's more, she'll do all of these things as if she were born with those talents. Even though she may humbly say that there isn't anything she can do well... believe me, this is false modesty because anything she does, she does it with so much care and so much attention for detail that she excels well above the gray middle-mass. Never have I met anyone so gifted...

But then again, these are not the important aspects which make a person truly special. What's truly amazing is that on top of all of this she is kind. She is caring and loving. She constantly puts herself on the background in order to give priority to others. Even more so, she dedicates her life to helping other people. She's a problem solver. She's a fighter. More so for someone else's rights and worries than her own. She makes other people rest and feel comfortable while she takes care of everything. And she does this with so much vigour and strength that even mob bosses who've been oppressing whole towns for decades start trembling when they see her.

And yet, she is fragile. She's fought so hard and for so long that her wings have been cut and that the almost infinite amount of energy she was endowed with has started to fade. Tears roll off her cheeks every time she reflects on the things she still has to do in this life and the unjust disease which keeps her in its grasp, painfully binding her hands and feet. 

But not her mind. In her mind she is free and spreading her unstoppable love across the Earth. And especially over me. And for that, I'm eternally grateful.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Winter wonderland

The snow is melting, the cold days are over. Time to awake from our hibernation and return to normal life. But before we do, I'd like to treat you with some of the pictures Christine and I took from our garden over the past two weeks... a journey into winter's paradise...

The old pig stable, now wood storage...

Snow covered trees...

 The far view... misty, snowy mountains...

Also our cats didn't mind the snow at all! Here's Blu on the lookout, unaware that she's being stalked by cunning little Tobi... :-)

And two extraordinary pictures, taken by Christine this morning around 7:45... We could hardly believe our eyes! Four male deer, wandering about in our field!!!... What majestic animals, aren't they? Is there still anyone of you in doubt that our motto "Paradise exists" is slightly over the top?...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Flora is ours!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen... Those of you who've been following my blog over the past years will very well remember the story of Flora, the penultimate addition to our family. Otherwise I'd suggest you read "Flora's Poem" (July 2010, if I'm not mistaking).
Our trust in the Italian judicial system turned out to be justified because this week the judge rejected all of the vendor's claims. This means that Flora will definitely remain ours forever and that I was right in asking my money back through VISA. Our solicitors are now considering a claim for damages and veterinary expenses (which are nearing €2.000 in total!) and if they believe we'd have a fair chance we'll sue those disgusting animal traders very hard indeed. A couple of months ago, I still received a promotional mail from them (they were stupid enough to leave me in their distribution list... :-) ) in which they were offering a big sale: "this month: all puppies and kittens go for just €150!". As if they were selling plain clothes or pieces of furniture! How can they even look at themselves in the mirror? Here's their main website again - for the sake of "name and shame", but there are at least three or four others leading to the same business:

These people are ruthless animal molesters who import so-called pedigree cats and dogs by the lorry from shady breeders in Eastern-Europe. Many of them die during transport or from continuous malnutrition and abuse. It's unbelievable that this can still happen in the twenty-first century! It certainly confirms my opinion that there is only one animal on this planet which can be totally vile and who doesn't want to live in harmony with nature at all: man! 

Fortunately, at least one furry creature could be saved from them: our little Flora, the "true lady" among our cats, with her gracious and almost "dancing" ways and her incredibly kind character... Flora, we love you... and she definitely loves us... :-)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thomas' poem

Hello! I'm Thomas, a very easy-going Norwegian Forest kitten. I was born and raised at a very nice and dedicated breeder somewhere way up north in Holland. The lady who cared for me during my first weeks was extremely kind and she made sure that I'd grow up in perfect health and with the best of care. Then, one day in August 2009, two people came to visit my cat family. They were Christine and Peter and they had driven for more than three hours all the way up here to collect my half-sister Chloe. But in a sense also for me because they had already seen my cute little smoke-black muzzle on the internet and they were very much inclined to take me with them as well. It took some convincing because i was only eight weeks old at the time and for a pedigree cat this is a bit too young. But the lady clearly saw what a big heart Christine and Peter had for cats so eventually she gave in and I went into the box with Chloe for the long trip back to Belgium. I have to admit that i was very much afraid and all of the time I was making squeeky little noises. But Chloe wasn't afraid at all and her presence comforted me, together with the kind words Christine and Peter said in order to put me at ease. 

Once we had arrived at their Belgian house, I already started to feel a lot better. The house was really big and had those enormous windows all the way down to the ground so I could look very far into their garden. I also got to meet Canelle and Blu, their other two cats, and since I'm so relaxed I immediately became everybody's little buddy. I always patiently awaited my turn to eat and hungrily emptied all of the little saucers of food. I'm not picky at all and all the leftovers always disappeared in my little tummy. 

Then, six months later, disaster struck for the first time. Chloe, my dear big sister, was run over by a car and died. Oh, how much did I grieve... how much did I miss her... Certainly, there was still Blu with whom I got along so well and who omforted me, but things were never really the same after that.  

Another couple of months later I suffered another big trauma. Four big men came with a huge lorry and they barged around the house all day long and made a lot of noise. I was so scared that I hid in the back of the garden, under the hedge. Eventually they left late in the afternoon, but still I was stiffened of fear and didn't dare to leave my hiding place, even when Peter started calling me. After half an hour or so he found me and he stretched his hand out for me. I was a bit in doubt about what to do. He called me friendly names but I sensed that something was wrong. When I indicated that I'd rather hide a bit further away, he suddenly grabbed me. I panicked... Why did he grab me? Why did he drag me back to the house where all of these men had been making so much noise all of the time? No... I didn't want to go back there! I scratched Peter... hard... so hard that he's still bearing the signs... But he didn't release me and dropped me inside, making sure that I couldn't go out anymore. What I saw devastated me. The whole house was... empty. Gone were my big cat poles, my sofa, my little carpet... everything was just... gone. I ran upstairs and hid in the only place there was still left: in the shower. There I spent a dreadful and sleepless night, knowing that the nightmare wouldn't end right there.

And I was right. Very early the next morning I heard sqeals from Canelle and Blu. I ran out of the shower and tried to hide behind the bathtub. It took Peter quite some time before he found me and I heard in his voice that he was getting a bit desperate. But eventually he spotted me, dragged me out and shoved me in the biggest cat box, together with Blu. And then we were all carried away. We all cried but to no avail. We were put in a car and drove away... far away... Then we arrived at a very busy place. We couldn't see where we were because the boxes had been covered with a piece of cloth in order to keep us as calm as possible. But I could clearly hear that the place was very big and that there were a lot of people there. Hundreds, maybe thousands! Oh no... I was soooo scared... The worst still had to come! I heard that Peter abandoned us and that our boxes were suddenly grabbed by someone who didn't care as much about us as Peter. The man carried us a long way down, outside to a very noisy place and then inside a kind of trunk. We were in the belly of an airplane!!! The flight took an hour and a half and I've never been through anything so scary in my whole life! It was bumpy... we couldn't see what was going on... the air pressure went down and then up again... We were all so terrified that we didn't make a single sound anymore. And then everything went quiet. We were abandoned again. The place was empty. And then... I heard Peter's voice again!!! He had come to collect us!!! Hurray!!! He opened the cloth a bit and said hello to us! And a couple of minutes later, there was another big surprise: I saw Christine again! She had left us nine months earlier for a reaso which I didn't understand, but there she was! Again we were put in a car and drove for an hour and a half. But I already started to feel a little better because I sensed that the torment would soon be over. We arrived ad a small house. Just a couple of rooms, but reasonably cosy. There we were to stay for three months. I didn't like the idea at all and wanted to go back home. But Christine and Peter made sure that we wouldn't be able to get out for at least a couple of weeks. There I also met another lady cat: Flora. We all hid under the sofa's and didn't get out for days. We didn't make any noises either, apart from the occasional hiss at eachother. But in the end I started to appreciate Flora. After all, she's a very beautiful girl and we started to get along quite well. 

Would this be the end of it? No. After three months, we were all put in the car again and we drove off. Only ten minutes this time. And to a place far beyond any of my dreams. To a truly beautiful little house, in the middle of the woods and with a vast field in front of it. It was cat's paradise! It didn't take me long to adjust to this new place and slowly I became happy again. Yes... I was truly happy. 

And now... I don't know where I am anymore. My beautiful home, my little paradise has gone. It has been exactly two weeks. From time to time, I think I can hear Christine and Peter call my name in the far distance. But they can't hear me. I really want them to hear me, but they can't. In the meantime the mild spring weather has gone and half a metre of snow fell overnight. I feel lonely... hungry... scared... Where is my warm little home? Where are Christine and Peter? What happened to me? And why? Can anyone please help me? can anyone please bring me home again?