Monday, August 23, 2010

The final straight line to the finish - 23 Aug 2010

At last, you might say, the latest pictures of our house. And the good news is: it's nearly finished! We've even already moved some large pieces of furniture. This is very encouraging because especially Christine is having a hard time to keep motivated. The poor girl is really holding on by the fingernails. I'm very much afraid that her chronic fatigue will take the better of her the minute we've moved in. But that's allright. From then onwards she'll have a lifetime to recover.

Look, here's the kitchen. The floor's been cleaned and we already installed a big cupboard and the fridge. The carpenter's taken the measurements for the rest of the kitchen furniture last week and hopefully this will be delivered in September. In the mean time, we'll have to do the dishes in the laundry room. It's just like going camping! :-)

This is the living room. As you can see, it's not what you could call a ballroom. But it's cosy and that's all that matters. I can already imagine our piano standing against the far wall...

This is the main bathroom with its floor-level shower. Joints still to be done; sink and taps still to be installed. The plumber promised he would pay us a visit tomorrow morning. We'll keep him to his word!

Main bathroom, other angle...

The front part of the house. Do you like the colour of the windows?

And finally the house as seen from the entry lane. As you can see, we're already quite busy moving stuff...

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