Thursday, September 23, 2010

Moving in at last!!! - 23 Sep 2010

Sorry... this post is a bit late; my apologies. But since Tuesday of the previous week we're living in our own house!!! This is actually one of the reasons why I couldn't write any earlier. Moving in is one thing. Creating some sort of order is another... :-)

But slowly we're getting there. The house already looks a whole lot tidier now. Even though we're still more or less camping. There is no running water on the ground floor, simply because we haven't got any sink there yet. This is mainly Dopey Dwarf's fault because he put the taps too low and had to send one of his assistants, an even more stupid dwarf, to mend it. The even more stupid dwarf came, put the taps where they should be but left a big mess. "You can repair it any way you like", he said. And left in a big hurry. Well, we're not going to let it ruin our good spirit, are we? The cooker... was supposedly sent but then again not. A simple inquiry with the courier confirmed that there's nothing being sent to us. This means that we have no other option than to inform the "Postal Police" which is responsible for internet fraud. Hopefully they can eventually talk some sense into that ghastly woman. Fortunately there's a very friendly English family nearby who were happy to lend us their camping cooker. It does its job more than well.

On the other hand, we do have a toilet at last. You may remember that the one we got turned out to be broken underneath and had to be replaced. It took some time and a week's survival on a camping toilet (again many thanks to our English friends) but now we can at least go to the loo properly.

So this is more or less where we are at the moment. One thing's for sure: the cats love it here! We were so confident that we left our two oldest ones, Canelle and Blu already outside after two days. And without any problem. They simply ador these surroundings full of bushes, trees and a view you only get in travel magazines. Thomas and Flora will still have to wait a bit. They're less experienced and more likely to get into trouble. Perhaps we'll try a guided walk this afternoon. After all, the weather's just superb today...

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