Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mob tactics

The tale about the Big Bad Wolf is getting ever more sordid. Believe me, it will have a happy end. But the way Danilo's acting right now is just... despicable. Last Friday Christine had to go to Reggio Nell'Emilia to court, remember? She there met with our brilliant solicitor Sabrina and what she told her is just... beyond words. The Danilo clan has been threatening her! If she woulnd't let go of our case, they would report her to the bar and the solicitor-general! Their argument is that a friend and colleague of Sabrina's had once defended Danilo in another case and to them it would be a conflict of interest. Even though Sabrina is not professionally associated to her friend, so in reality she's got absolutely nothing to worry about. It's all bluff. But now it's become more than clear why our first two solicitors (among whom a very famous one) eventually tried to get rid of our case, even though in the beginning they claimed that they had enough evidence to have Danilo's business closed for good. The Danilo clan apparently's got so much daylight-fearing information about almost everyone that nobody dares to stand up against them. Fortunately, Sabrina is very much like Christine. These ridiculous threats are to her like a red flag on a bull: they make her even more determined to carry on. Also Christine felt very much reassured. If Danilo wants to take that route, it's obvious he knows that he doesn't stand a chance in a fair (legal) fight. That didn't stop him by the way to be represented by his own brother, the other head of the clan and owner of his own lawfirm. It's normally deontologically not allowed, but "my colleague was suddenly detained so I had to take over". 
The case itself on the other hand was over very quickly. It turns out that the judge who's normally responsible for our case is leaving and will not treat our case anymore. We'll have to wait for the new judge to be sworn in. Which will be in... april next year! :-) There was a judge ad interim but she was so terribly busy that she proposed an adjournment. Christine wanted to ask whether we could at least already have some of the parties' arguments treated but Sabrina insisted she'd leave it as it is. After all, it's not us who're after our money. It's Danilo who wants his €16.000 (which he BTW already reduced to €6.000 by now... how striking...). Pity for him, but he'll just have to wait a little bit longer. Danilo's brother was apparently sitting there in such an arrogant way, with shabby clothes, leaning back in his chair, and said: "she expects all of us to work for free! Huh!" How about that for a too self-confident and despisable attitude! Obviously he forgot to mention that we've already paid Danilo €3.300. For non-existent work, but I suppose that's only a small detail. And when this case is settled, we'll have another little surprise in store for Danilo, which I'm not yet going to elaborate about. You never know who's reading my blogs... But Christine and I are sure that he's not going to like it... :-) 

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