Thursday, October 21, 2010

There is a light

I want to be very careful with this. But Christine called the bank this morning and... they said that our mortgage will be approved!!! We just can't believe it! It's the most wonderful news we've heard in a very long time, perhaps apart from my book. At last we will be able to start enjoying our Italian dream!!! :-D

But like I said, we're not jumping about in total euphoria yet. It was just a spoken promise and we still haven't seen anything on paper. But we have absolutely no reason to believe that the lady from the bank would be leading us on. She's always seemed very honest and never made us any false promises. Unlike most of the other bank managers we've encountered. She said that they'll still have to look into the precice details, such as the timeframe (20 or 25 years) and whether it will be an additional mortgage on top of the one we already received in June, or if the old one will be closed and we'll receive a new one for the total amount we've originally requested. And they're also going to send an expert to ouor house to value it. Well, he'll be more than welcome. Our house is worth at least three times than what we're asking for. So no worries there. The only problem we're still facing is having to tell all of the workers that they'll have to wait another month or so before they'll see their money. We're feeling very much ashamed about this because they've done such a wonderful job and under normal circumstances we would have paid them right away. Then again, at least they'll see their money in the end. And in these days of crisis this already means a lot, don't you agree?


  1. YES! Finally!! I sincerely hope this will be the light that never goes out...

    Enjoy, umB.

  2. You've been listening to the Smiths too much. :-) Thanks anyway!

